August awoke, beside himself. Literally.
In the night, something happened such that he was divided into two identical selves.
August leapt from the bed, panicked that someone wandered into his room and fell asleep next to him in bed.
August woke in fright when the bed suddenly shook from someone leaping out of it. He startled across the bed thinking half-asleep that someone wandered into his room and fell asleep next to him in bed.
August standing gaped wide-eyed at a wide-eyed, gaping August in bed.
"Who the hell are you?" they accused. And then bam—the moment they both were completely freed of sleep, they recognised themselves. Their eyes actually grew wider. It was a long, long time before they finally chimed:
"You're me."
Slowly, August the first looked around, searching for signs in the room of some weird trauma in the night, not knowing what signs weird trauma would leave. August the second joined him. When the room seemed in order they moved onto inspecting themselves. No cuts or bruises. Then a very black thought: Were they mad? They didn't think so. They felt fine.
"Well, I'm me," they said.
"So am I."
But in the end, he wasn't himself when he killed him.