Once upon a time in the downunder Land of Oz, there lived a cheesy storyteller who began all his stories with hackneyed clichés. He was shortly thereafter murdered by a rioting mob of dissatisfied children.
The End.
And then there was the sequel, many years later, when the cheesy storyteller was broke and had to eat rocks. He resurrected his ill-fated protagonist, despite the abysmal sales of his first and only book (you see, he ran out of ideas)... (but I just happen to know that he adhered to the principle of beginning his stories with hackneyed clichés, even though he didn't actually have the opportunity to demonstrate this)... and... then... Okay, okay! It was me! I've run out of ideas and I don't know what to do after resurrecting myself. Can you help? This is the reason I am writing. I need help. But not just any help. Your help. Because I get by with a little help from my friends.
*gasp* Amazed, the storyteller realised he had in fact used a cliché right in the middle of one of his stories! But his joy was short-lived, as his fingers became trapped between the keys on the keyboard and he died of starvation.
The End.
P.S. The storyteller saga was actually a trilogy, but the final work has never surfaced. It was once auctioned at Sotheby's for US$1.2m, but the story was only conjecture and it was a hypothetical auction with no tangible evidence of the third story. Nevertheless, the highest bidder was an eccentric recluse, and has never since released the story to the public...
And this is your opportunity not only to READ the fabled third story, but to OWN and CHERISH it for only US$1.2m! Hand-crafted on a beautiful faux porcelain plate, this timeless edition will look grand on your living room wall, inviting comments from your party guests. Soon, it will become a real conversation piece. Soon thereafter, it will dominate the conversation. Eventually, the din of the conversation will grow so loud that no one will be able to hear what anybody else is saying, and your neighbours will call the police. The conversation will grow so intense that the police will not be able to hear your neighbour over the telephone. Finally, the conversation will usurp your house and you will be subject to it as it establishes a dictatorial regime from the relative safety of your living room wall. When you try to take it down, the decibel level will spike and the windows will be blown out of your house, embedding shards of glass in anyone within earshot.